
Kent Photographer – 2019 Retrospective

Here’s my Kent Photographer – 2019 Retrospective, a look at some of my favourite images from the past year. My aim was to showcase the variety of photography that my working year encompasses. I have however tried to show images from each genre of photography that I capture. I hope you enjoy browsing and if you wish to discuss how I can help your business flourish, please call or email me using my details on the page.

The image above is one of my favourite shots of the year. It was one of the preparation shots I took at a Divorce Party (yes you read that right!) I often arrive miles too early for jobs and so have plenty of time to capture party details before guests arrive. I love the ‘layers’ in this particular image. Especially the massively out of focus fairy lights in the foreground and background. And the gorgeous coloured lighting!


This party was, unusually for me, on New Years Day. Normally I am either recovering from the night before (either working or celebrating) and in addition I always help organise my local village charity pram race. NYD is therefore normally a day of quiet reflection, so it was quite a novelty to board the train to London for this family party. I have included this image as it is one of my favourites of the whole year (and believe me, there are a lot!) It was just one of those lucky captures – I noticed this beautiful glamorous lady, she smiled, I clicked the shutter. Job done!


This is another detail party image from Helen’s Divorce Party held at one of Surrey’s finest – Burford Bridge Hotel, Dorking. If you are planning on getting divorced, I highly recommend inviting your closest friends and family along to help celebrate! Here is a capture of a table setting that really caught my eye and a firm favourite.


Next up is this commercial shoot for Kent based kitchen and interiors specialists Burlanes, based in Sevenoaks. I could easily have chosen a conventional kitchen shot from this session but I love the quirky, unorthodox approach to life! This photograph of the cloakroom illustrates perfectly my pursuit of the unusual and for that reason alone it’s in my best of 2019.


Spring and fine weather heralds the start of my family portrait season. Kent family portraits are something I really look forward to capturing and the Spring, Summer and Autumn months are very busy as a result. This portrait of three siblings was shot in the Kent apple orchards less than two minutes walk from my home in Sutton Valence.


By May we are well into the family season and these Essex family portraits are one of my faves. I view the quote “Never work with children or animals” as a challenge. In reality, it’s nothing that a great deal of patience and perseverance can’t overcome!


Guests act differently when they are taking a selfie – more relaxed, less self conscious, so it’s an ideal time for me to move in quickly and capture a unique record for them! You are highly likely to get at least one shot in this style if you hire me to shoot your party or event. I was able to get in really close while they were all still concentrating on the iPhone. This is one of my favourites and so easily makes it into my Kent Photographer – 2019 Retrospective.

Party Photography Essex


July is usually my busiest month of the year. Family photography shoots in Kent and beyond, Parties and Commercial work are the mainstay at this stage of the Summer.  I couldn’t decide upon a single shot that summed up this month, therefore ended up with my three favourites!

The first was made at a local company’s Summer Awards Ceremony at The Swan in West Malling. I love the look of surprise on this chap’s face as he hears that he has won the Employee of the Year award. The reaction of the girl to his left is priceless!

I was commissioned to capture the second image as a surprise for the lady in the image. It was shot on a gorgeous sunny Sunday that I hope is reflected in this Kent equine portrait. For some reason it reminds me of a 1970’s Cadbury’s Flake TV advert, something to do with the lighting and Sam’s checked shirt maybe?

The third favourite from July is delicious White Bean and Babaganoush dip with Tahini Cream and Pomegranates. This is typical of my style of Kent Food Photography, shot on location at Turners Cider Marden. The occasion was one of The Curious Eaterie’s excellent Secret Supper Clubs – check them out!

Last but certainly not least is this festival goer from Coast Digitals very own Summer party. Much more of that can be viewed here – enjoy!


Here’s a great Tonbridge family portrait that I really enjoyed photographing in their garden. I often impress on upon my clients the importance of capturing these important moments in their families’ lives. They are future heirlooms!


September is a great month to hold a party. Most people are back from holidays and in the UK the weather is usually warm enough for guests to celebrate outside. Party photography is one of my favourite genres and Saturday nights throughout the year are spent capturing a multitude of special celebrations, from birthdays to Anniversaries (and divorce parties!). At every party I attend I always spend time getting some lovely portraits of the hosts. This acts as a permanent memory of their evening as shown in this 50th birthday celebration.


October this year was mainly a corporate affair. I really enjoyed working on these two quite different images that were from separate jobs. The first is a detail shot from my coverage of Craftwork’s round up of the latest news in the world of TV commercials. I love the simplicity of the shot of publicity material against the plush green velvet seat of Regent Street Cinema. It’s also the birthplace of British cinema!

The second photograph is of the lucky winners from a recent awards ceremony at The Tower Hotel in London. Such an iconic backdrop for a winners photograph, it was such a fun occasion and everyone had the time of their lives!


This month I captured the UK launch of Obeetee rugs. I really enjoyed this commision and of course I arrived miles too early so there was plenty of time for detail shots before guests arrived! My favourite is this close up of this ornate rug while a meeting takes place in the background. More of the images can be viewed here on their Instagram account.


December is, of course a time of celebration and therefore my busiest month. This year I actually started photographing Christmas parties in November! This shot makes the list as it’s out of the ordinary (I love the unusual!) It would have been easy to feature a dance floor of celebrating workers, but this image is much more interesting. One’s eye is naturally drawn to the party guest and her slightly serious gaze, while all around the party is in full swing. Party goers laugh, share jokes and generally have fun, but why the serious expression?

My pricing for all types of photography is very competitive. Please contact me for details or to discuss your project call me on 07790 634140, email me at, or fill in my contact form.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Interested in booking a shoot with me? That's great! Call me, send an email or use the Contact Form and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

07790 634140