
Party Photography Essex

Party Photography Essex

When commissioned to capture the Coastival summer festival, I was more than happy to say yes. I have photographed many kinds of parties before, but a festival party was definitely a first for me!

Coast are an Award winning digital marketing agency and were celebrating Summer with Coastival, their very own company festival! Each staff member was issued with their very own bespoke wristband.

The party venue was at a private residence in the beautiful leafy Essex countryside and just an hours drive from my Kent HQ. Like any photographer worth his salt, I am a slave to the weather. On the days approaching any outside shoot I am constantly monitoring various apps to try and figure out what the weather gods have in store for me. It’s usually quite accurate and in this instance, was spot on. Rain. Lots and lots of rain in true festival style. Not good when you have been commissioned to capture an exclusively outdoor event that has cost a great deal of time and money.

Suddenly the hours drive became 90 minutes and then two hours as I inched my car slowly towards the Dartford Tunnel approach. Before long though I was motoring up the A12 to my destination where it was  … raining!
Luckily the festival guests weren’t put off by meteorological mishaps, so rain capes were donned and the fun began! The downpours confined festivities to the main stage and bar tents where all manner of alcohol flowed …

Before long, the precipitation subsided, the sun made a star appearance and suddenly it was summer again – hurray! The band appeared on stage. Guests began dancing and before very long, the festival was in full swing!

Want to see my portfolio of party photography? No problem, just click here and enjoy!

Party Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography Essex

Party Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography EssexParty Photography Essex

Party Photography Essex

Party Photography EssexParty Photography Essex

Party Photography Essex



Interested in booking a shoot with me? That's great! Call me, send an email or use the Contact Form and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

07790 634140